Hip Hoppin and phedhex.com

Thanks for everyone for bearing w/ the dry spell of blog entries (even though most of you reading this are probably geeky enough to be plugged into the RSS). At any rate, back in March I was featured as a dance teacher in Cao Fei's opening at Lombard-Freid. Other than the ritual of free wine and cheese that is the "Chelsea Art Opening," I got to watch myself in a video teaching old Chinese people how to dance hip hop. There was even some footage of me doin some breaking of my own.

I thought that would be the last I'd hear from them, but sometime last month they sent me a media packet. Not only does it include two large prints of me gettin jiggy w/ it, it also includes a sticker sheet, with two stickers of me - one of me pulling a handplant, and another of me teaching an old Chinese guy how to raise the roof.

Have a looksee:

Here's one of those large prints:

And the other...

This is the sticker sheet. That's right, I'm on a sticker:

Here's that first print, but in sticker form:

And, the best for last:

In dance news, I'm scheduled to work with Morgan Murphey, a friend and in a piece where I dance in my underwear. Rehearsals start as soon as MMurph gets back to the city in the first week of September. I'M GONNA BE A DANCER MOMMA!!!

In digital news, I bought www.phedhex.com, where I've set up a Wiki to document all my digital work.

Also, I plan to move up outa this blogspot joint and into a phedhex.com hosted Wordpress blog. For a casual reader, this doesn't mean much (except that you'll go to www.phedhex.com/blog), but for a geek RSS reader, you can subscribe only to Movement posts, only Digital posts, or if you wish, you can continue to feed into all work. I should expect to have that up in maybe a week.

Till next time...