business_card.txt, Jun 2006

In 2006 I designed the first iteration of this business card, and I’ve been cutting prints of it ever since.  In 2010, at an Augmented Reality conference, I handed one of these cards to Amber Case, who took a photo of it and, with my consent, posted it on flickr.  In Dec of 2011, this photo hit the number one spot on Reddit, from where it has since been propagated throughout the rest of the internet. It has since been featured on other social media since (9gag) and even the Wall Street Journal.

I wrote a pretty lengthy response to the experience, where I mostly respond to angry internet people.

ofxPortalCam, Jun 2012

ofxPortalCam is an OpenFrameworks addon that opens up portals to different worlds.

By tracking the head with the Kinect and using some nifty features in OpenFrameworks, your monitor (or projected image or whatever) becomes a viewport through which you can view a digital 3d environment. This digital 3d environment behaves as if it's actually in front of your face.

Check it out on Github.  Read more about my process here.

Diagram of how points screen gets placed in kinect-space

Diagram of how points screen gets placed in kinect-space

3d Interaction and the Human Body, Feb 2011

Interaction design is mostly thought of in terms of the second dimension.  As technology advances into the third dimension, how will the translation from 2d to 3d occur?  What should be kept, and what should be thrown out?

In this talk I discuss the nature of 2d and 3d environments, both virtual and physical -- and I talk about how we can leverage what we already know about 3d experiences to create engaging digital 3d experiences.

Dynamic Cross Section Renderer, Mar 2008

An image is drawn onto a sheet of foam core. Depending on the sheet’s angle and location, the image morphs into different shapes and designs. These shapes aren’t arbitrary; they reveal a cross section of an otherwise invisible 3d model. The 3d model is a replica of the cardboard box – including the box’s contents.

This video is sketch of the idea.  Ultimately, the goal would be to do this on the fly using a projector and motion capture. Imagine reading brain CAT Scans in a dynamic cross section renderer instead of looking at a series of slides.

Vapor Phantoms, Jan 2008

Your computer mouse tracks your hand in 2d space. Your monitor spits this information back out at you as a cursors – a dot of light – that moves across the screen.

In this project, a computer tracks the movement of a user's hand in 3d space. This information controls a set of 12 moving head lights to create a 3d visual feedback system.

The first video is a sketch of the idea, explaining how it works technically. The second video is a live performance of the working technology.