I Need Your Help! Spatial Computing III

Hey Everyone - So it's been a while since I visited Spatial Computing. Spatial Computing 1 and 2 were packed with some good interesting ideas, and video number 3 is coming down the pipeline.

But I want 3 to be better. I don't want it to be a result of rushed, work-night render sessions, and I don't want it to take another six months to complete. I want to direct my full attention to this project to make it as awesome as it deserves to be.

And I need your help.

Whether it be pledging a couple of bucks or just spreading the word, any help I can get will get me one step closer to hunkering down and focusing in on the project that is Spatial Computing III.

To show your support, please visit my Kickstarter campaign, where you can pledge a donation and learn more about the project. There are also tools on that page that you can use to introduce Spatial Computing to your friends.

Spatial Computing 3

Spatial Computing 3

Thanks for your support everybody!

Walking Thoughts Podcast

I am a thinker. I got a brain that does a lot of traversing. Some trains of thought carry me off to new undiscovered worlds, while others run me full speed off of cliffs. Lately I've been recording my thoughts in 10 - 15 minute audio clips. I cover things like art, video games, dance, work, ego, and other weird observations on my daily life.

So if you're interested in my brain's temperature for any given day, if you've ever wondered what it's like to be me, visit the podcast to find out!

Creating the Future!

Lumarca (one of the child projects of the Wiremap), had a great showing at Maker Faire, New York, this past weekend. The project got a lot of positive attention, including 3 Blue Ribbons (I guess each editor of the magazine gets to give out one). The project also claimed the "Red Bull Create the Future" award. It totally took Matt and me by surprise when a couple of Red Bull representatives came by to shake our hands. What exactly is this prize? A MakerBot!

We're taking the momentum that Maker Faire has generated and using it to fuel our fundraising campaign. The funds we raise will go towards developing a DIY kit and doing research and development for bigger and better volumetric renderers.

Please consider donating if you want to see a new tomorrow for volumetric renderers:

Mocap & Me

When I was attending the ITP Summer Camp, I went to a session at NYU's Motion Capture (Mocap) studio.  As much as I had been around the 3d digital world, I had never seen a Mocap studio in person.  I was so enamored by the technology I signed up to help volunteer. Well, the professor sent an email blast out to these would-be volunteers, telling people about a class he was teaching.  Unfortunately I'm no longer an NYU student, so I thought there'd be a slim chance that I'd be able to attend this class. Well, after a number of emails he said it'd be fine if I audited the course.

Class last week was pretty cool! There's a lot of really incredible technology that I really can't wait to get my hands on.

The class is project- / research-based, and I've got an idea that I'm really excited to start working on. I wanted to take this opportunity to start building this interaction (only the stuff from 2:24 - 2:39):

This week, I finally broke out my Arduino and used it for one of my projects. Here's a look at what I built:

It should go without saying that I'm a total n00b when it comes to hardware. All that mess of wires is just for one button. I should also note how awesome I am at stitching a button to a glove...  man, I really need to figure out a prettier way to do this...

But whatever, that's not the point. The point is that now I've got a button. I've got a button and motion tracking tools... now I just need a display.

Instead of spending my life trying to apply for / track down / fabricate an AR headset, I'm just going to cheat using head tracking and a responsive 2d display. This video, published by Johnny Chung Lee, has been floating around for quite a while now, and it transforms a 2d screen into a pseudo 3d experience:


With my glove button + real time hand tracking + head tracking, I plan on using the main idea from the video above to make something that behaves more like Spatial Computing - complete with the ability to select and manipulate 3d models in real / pseudo real 3d space.

So excited for class again tomorrow...

Spatial Dimensions of Interactivity

#wrapper #content table.hci_table th, #wrapper #content table.hci_table td { padding: 5px 11px 7px; font-size: 12px }



One of the most exciting aspects of interface design is the process of constructing new perspectives -- discovering new frameworks that help explain how we behave, what our expectations are, and how they are met. Constantly analyzing and re-evaluating behavior and expectations helps identify good design patterns - and identifying good design patterns makes way for creating new, engaging designs.

To give a specific example, back when I was drafting the foundational ideas for Spatial Computing, I needed to wrap my brain around what a "3d interface design" meant and how it would work. I figured that a good way to do this would be to take a look at the interaction design paradigm that exists for things before 3d input -- all types of input from 2d to 0d. Here's what I came up with:







Buttons, of any type

Dials, Scroll wheel

Mouse, Track Pad

*A quick note about 0d. The button, by itself has no dimensional context. A button multiplied by infinity in one direction would give you 1d interaction. I may write a separate post about this later...

One thing I was able to immediately take away from drafting this table was that there was a lot of important stuff that this table didn't cover. See, a lot of interactions require something I call a "modifier button."

A modifier button is something that changes the state of another input device when held down. The shift key is a perfect example. When held down, it temporarily replaces your existing keyboard with an alternative one - one that has only capitalized letters and symbols. Some common modifier buttons are: Control, Fn, Alt, etc...

The buttons on your computer mouse operate on the same principle. Moving your mouse around with your hand only moves a cursor around on the screen. Pressing and holding down the left click button creates a mouse with a completely different behavior -- instead of just navigating around, the cursor is now grabbing or selecting something.

(There are a few minor examples of this meta behavior for 1d interaction, but it's not quite as common.)

So, a few examples of what modifier buttons can accomplish:


Scroll Wheel

Computer Mouse


The button ("a")

Scroll up & down on a page

Navigate cursor around on screen



Ctrl+"a"=Select All

Ctrl+Scroll wheel=Zoom (on many programs)

Select, open, drag & drop, activate buttons & menus...

The utility of the computer mouse comes from its design - a special blend of modifier button and dimensional context. Without a button, the location of the cursor on the screen can't accomplish anything, and without a location on a screen, the buttons can accomplish things in one location and one location only.

The 3d Part of the Picture

Once I realized that the computer mouse was essentially a button with a dimensional context, I knew I landed on a principle that I could carry with me into 3d.

The central design concept behind Spatial Computing is a button that the user moves around in 3d space. Pressing the button creates different behaviors, like selecting or grabbing. Like the computer mouse design, this makes room for both unbound navigation and pixel perfect specificity.

But taking a step back, the frame of "modifier button + spatial context" helped in a much bigger way. When drafting this project I was able to lift my head up from all the detail work and take a good long look at the big picture.

The details are things like triggers, events, and handlers. The big picture is more spatial - it's expectation management, narrative construction, communication design. The big picture is interactivity that is based on dance and theatrical design. Once I honed in on a big picture design, all the details just needed to be aligned to focus in on the parent design.